
Detecting and Correcting Scoliosis Chiropractor In Brooklyn, NY
Detecting and Correcting Scoliosis In Brooklyn, NY
Detecting and Correcting Scoliosis | Chiropractor for Scoliosis in Brooklyn, NY Hey everybody, this is Dr. Dan from Vibrant Chiropractic Care. Today, I wanted to talk about scoliosis and what we do in our office in order to help with those conditions. The Importance of Detecting Scoliosis Early But first, you know, being able to… Read More »Detecting and Correcting Scoliosis In Brooklyn, NY
Relieving TMJ Pain chiropractor Brooklyn NY
Chiropractic Approach to Relieving TMJ Pain in Brooklyn, NY
The Chiropractic Approach to Relieving TMJ Pain | Chiropractor for TMJ in Brooklyn, NY Hey, this is Dr. Dan from Vibrant Chiropractic care. Today we're going to be talking about the TMJ, or the jaw joint. And what we do in this office to one assess it, and also how we address it. The first… Read More »Chiropractic Approach to Relieving TMJ Pain in Brooklyn, NY
what a chiropractic adjustment is chiropractor Booklyn NY
What A Chiropractic Adjustment is Actually Like in Brooklyn, NY
What A Chiropractic Adjustment is Actually Like | Chiropractor in Brooklyn, NY Hi, this is Dr. Dan from vibrant chiropractic care. Today I'm going to be going over instrument adjusting, because not everybody is capable or ready to handle a hands on chiropractic adjustment, which we do prefer to perform in this office. But for… Read More »What A Chiropractic Adjustment is Actually Like in Brooklyn, NY

See What Others Are Saying...

“I was suffering from back pain and on so many pills to try and control the pain. Dr. Dan at Vibrant Chiropractic Care is a life changer! He treats his patients like family and his plan for me has me PAIN FREE! Now I can manage my life without being on strong drugs!”

Jerry S.

See What Others Are Saying...

“For 6 months I wasn’t able to turn my head let alone play the sports I love. The neck pain I was experiencing was terrible. In just a few short weeks at Vibrant Chiropractic Care I am not able to turn my head normally again along with getting back to playing the sports that I enjoy. Thank you Dr. Dan!”

Aly J.

See What Others Are Saying...

“My shoulder pain getting gradually worse. I was having a hard time sleeping and couldn’t even throw the baseball in the backyard anymore with my son. Family time was NOT enjoyable anymore. After seeing Dr. Dan we figured out what was causing the problem and within a few weeks I was able to sleep through the night and get back to enjoy activities with my kids!”

David T.

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Our chiropractor focuses on treatment solutions that get you pain-free as quickly as possible and keep you that way with our maintenance treatment plans. Whether it’s pain in the back, shoulder or neck, a sports injury or headaches, come and see us at Vibrant Chiropractic Care.


32 Bridge St. 1st Floor, Suite 103 Brooklyn NY 11201



Vibrant Chiropractic Care
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